Sunday, January 22, 2012

Making Magic

Final night in Key West
After a really great night out last night we woke early and prepared the boat, getting underway by 9am.  The wind was light but still available and the sky was clear and blue.  The weather forecast was wrong again regarding the wind direction and such but really, who’s counting on that anymore?!
There really isn’t much to tell about the day’s adventure although I did take a few pictures of the crab traps we played “chess” with in open water as well as the Sargasso weed growing in fields along the way which wreaked havoc on Rob’s fishing line.

Crab Trap AND Sargasso . . .
We made reasonable time and worked our way into the planned anchorage for the night about 3 in the afternoon.  During our approach we were treated to a sea plane taking off right over our boat which was a new experience.  Unfortunately, the moving target was hard to capture on film – but you get the idea.

The approach to the anchorage had our depth gauge going berserk showing we were in less than 4 feet of water when our boat depth is 5’6”!  The alarm was going off constantly and all I could do was trust the chart and the instruments that said we should have enough depth to continue.  Obviously there is an offset on the depth gauge that will need to be adjusted but it did provide for some excitement along the way.

We anchored safely in a beautiful harbor – Newfound Harbor to be exact if you’re looking it up – where there are only two other boats anchored within sight, one of which is unoccupied.   We enjoyed another amazing sunset which is a never tiring activity each day and had a simple dinner followed by a competitive Scrabble game which Rob won by 2 points!

But the magic came as we were winding down getting ready for bed and I looked out the cockpit to the sky.  The moon is new so there’s no natural or manmade light distraction and the sky was lit up like Christmas.  I was awestruck.  I grabbed two cushions and two pillows and ROB and we climbed on top of the cockpit enclosure to view the night sky.

Find your Magic!

MAGIC.  Just magic.  There’s really not much more that can be said about it.  Perfection so easy to find and eternity of space and time to ponder . . . it really is quite overwhelming.  The thought comes to mind that life really is just that simple.  Look at the stars.  Feel the breeze.  Bask in the sun.  Appreciate a child, a friend, a laugh . . . 

 And say a thank you for this grand adventure called life!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this entry~ just reread it...thanks for the reminder to take in nature and bask in gratitude, dear!
