Sunday, February 12, 2012

And Life is Good!

Life is rough in paradise!  Pigeon Key . . .
Well, days have passed and life continues on . . . and it’s all good.  It’s really not that we have much to report other than our every day form of fun.  Our life has taken on a “come what may” progression.   Ha, most days pass without our ever even looking at the time.  What time we woke up or went to bed . . . those are just things that aren’t taken into account any more!
That being said, the new pace after 30 years in small business is a welcome relief.  I’ve never seen Rob able to relax like this.  He’s taken to reading BOOKS and has happily spent two days on the beach with me – two things that we just not in the cards in “life before.”  This really does have to be good for one’s health.

Our days have been filled with enjoying new friends and taking advantage of whatever comes along.  We watched a salvaged boat be lifted out of the water for entertainment one afternoon.   The weather treated us to another chance at the beach which we took full advantage of and watched a storm system roll past right out at sea while we happily soaked up the sun.  We've ticked boat projects off the list, visited the birds at the pet store again, went to two different art festivals . . . we've certainly not been bored!

A baby African Gray . . .
We’ve enjoyed the new friends we’ve made.  Ian and Lynn are now in Nassau having made the break this week and we had the boat full one night with a potluck BBQ and viewing of Captain Ron for two couples that (horror of horrors) had never seen it before!  (By the way . . . if you haven’t seen it yourself, now’s a good time!)  We’ve done $.25 wing night and pot luck at the cruiser’s lounge . . . the list goes on. 

Today started with $6 breakfast at the VFW, an experience we’ve never had before.  They apparently served over 210 meals this morning - pretty amazing for an all volunteer staff!  And great food to boot!

Then we headed out to tour Pigeon Key, a settlement created when the Flagler railroad was built in the early 1900’s.  It was really interesting and Rob was especially intrigued as he had just finished the book about the whole endeavor.  (Last Train to Paradise) 

We finished the day having dinner with new friends, Jim and Linda aboard their boat Double Trouble.  Jim’s an avid fisherman and he grilled up some amazing freshly caught yellowtail snapper with tequila sauce that was just amazing.  A great meal, the required discussions about boat projects and comparisons and a new favorite drink – hot tea with amaretto – made this cold and windy day end on the perfect note.

Tomorrow marks final preparations for our exit for points toward home on Tuesday.  It will be hard to say goodbye to the casual pace, comfortable mooring and mostly our new friends but it’s sure been a great run here in Marathon!

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